

Gain momentum by reducing planning time. Shorten delivery ETAs using AI. Allow live tracking for real time updates to customers

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1 Spend less time to
plan and focus
more on execution

Get alerted to exceptions in real time and proactively respond to on ground incidents

Auto allocate orders to predefined zones and consolidate orders for each trip.

Use AI powered route optimization to shorten delivery ETAs.

2 Make the
Customer Incharge

Use SMS and Email (link to: Real Time Operations Dashboards) to update delivery information in real time.

Allow customers to track on field agent location and increase successful first attempt deliveries.

Use AI powered route optimization to shorten delivery ETAs.

3 Expand your delivery
ecosystem without hassle

Manage fleet, drivers and shifts from a single place and never do a wrong allocation ever.

Use on field agent mobile phone to quickly onboard drivers and manage peak hour orders effectively

Use hassle free and non tech on boarding to quickly network with delivery partners and expand delivery operations.