1Be a preferred 3PL
Gain access to real time on-ground information take proactive action and Increase your First Attempt Delivery Rates.
Easily accommodate unplanned on demand orders from customers and optimize your unused capacity
Handle all delivery exceptions professionally with real time data and processes developed by delivery experts
2 Grow your business by optimally using your fleet capacity
Use SMS and Email (link to: Real Time Operations Dashboards) to update delivery information in real time.

Allow customers to track on field agent location and increase successful first attempt deliveries.
Use real time dashboards to proactively manage all on ground incidents with full back office support.

3 Avoid Delivery Failure Risk
Manage fleet, drivers and shifts from a single place and never do a wrong allocation ever.
Use on field agent mobile phone to quickly onboard drivers and manage peak hour orders effectively
Use hassle free and non tech on boarding to quickly network with delivery partners and expand delivery operations.